Monday, July 16, 2012

Dove Body Wash-DIY Style

So lately I've been making more products myself that I would normally buy in order to save money.  This adventure was homemade body wash.  I had no idea it was going to make so much, as the blog I followed didn't say how much it made in the end, just that she "allot." Vague.

You will need
- 8 oz bar of soap (any bar will do, but read the label to make sure you are using 8 oz. For some soaps that’s one bar and others it’s 2 or 3 bars) I used 2 bars
- 2 Tbsp of Glycerin (found by the band aides and not soap aisle, found mine at CVS)
- 1 gallon (16 Cups of Water)
- Stock Pot (large one)
- Containers for soap (example milk jug)

1. Grate your soap like its cheese (use cheese grater or cut up very small chunks).  Put in stock pot with the water and glycerin.  Heat on Medium until all of the soap is dissolved (if you grate it goes faster)

2. When all is dissolved, you will have what looks like soapy water (that’s normal)

3. Take off the heat and let cool for 10-12 hrs
4. After the cool down it should be thick

5. Beat with hand mixer, adding as much water as you want in order to get what consistency you desired. 
After being mixed. While its mixing you
can add more water to thin it out, thus
making more body wash.
6. At this point you can add in perfume and fragrances
7. Funnel in to a container

Caroline getting in on the action.

This is what I ended up with when I was done. I used a variety
of containers just so I could get it put away.  Next time ill know
to save jugs.
2 bars of soap $3.00
Glycerin $5.00
Total: $8.00

This supply should last me quite some time. I would say its totally worth making considering  one bottle of dove body wash is around $3-5 depending on size. 

Coming up next.....homemade fabric softener and reusable shopping bags made from dog food bags.

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